Continuous underwater noise

Continuous underwater noise web services

The continuous underwater noise web services provide the ability to search and retrieve data from database by providing access to the data.

Each part of the web services is provided by a web service API, which defines the name, input to, and output from the service for a particular request.

This page lists all the continuous underwater noise web service APIs with a description that includes the information provided by the API, the input needed to get data from the API, and the data that is returned by the API.

The following web service APIs are provided:

Name getListSubmissions
Description In this webservice the user can get the list of all the files in the database.
Example Example to get the list of all the submissions
Name DownloadFile
Description In this webservice the user can download a file using the file ID.
Example Example to get the a file submission
Name Token
Description [Body (Form Data)]
User (ICES user name)
Password (current password for the ICES user, same that you use in the ICES sharepoint).
If successfull, then it will return you the JWT token, you can read more about it here.
Example (POST)

Autentication is needed for the following webservices

Name Upload
Description In this webservice the user can upload a file to be screen and validated by the continuous underwaternoise database. The servcice can be called using post and the file will have to be part of the body of que call.
The user needs to be autenticated in order to call this service.
Name getListFileScreenings
Description In this webservice the user can get an overview of their file screening to the continuous underwaternoise database.
Needs autentication and it will only show the file screening for the current user.
Example Example to get the list of all the file screenings
Name getListOfScreeningFilesDetails
Description In this webservice the user can get an overview of the file(s) you have screen in the continuous underwaternoise database and what files can or have been uploaded to the database.
Needs autentication and it will only show the file screening for the current user.
Example Example to get the list and details of all the file screenings
Name getScreeningSessionMessages/{ID}
Description Returns a list of messages from a file screening session.
Needs autentication and it will only show the file screening for the current user.
Example Example to get the list of messages from session 7
Name pushFileDatabase/{ID}
Description This webservice will confirm the upload of a previous screened file to the database. For this the user will use the file screening ID to push the file to the database.
Needs autentication and it will only show the file screening for the current user.

Note: Only the user that screened the file can push it to the database and the file needs to have no errors.
URL Example to push fileID 1 to the database (POST){tblFileScreeningID} (e.g: