Continuous underwater noise

Continuous Underwaternoise Registry > List of submissions

In this page you can see all your submissions to the database:

ID Ins. Date Time AccessionID Filename Country Code Institution Station Code Start Date End Date DataUUID DatasetVersion Contact
1745 09/08/2023 08:51:33 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_2_Start20220225214005_Month3.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13703 01/03/2022 00:00:20 06/03/2022 18:03:40 17c6289d-3b30-4115-98b1-025b0fe92561 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
2141 02/08/2024 08:55:26 BOR02_2022-03.h5 NL WaterProof Marine Consultancy & Services B.V. (Waterproof) 14046 01/03/2022 01:00:00 01/04/2022 01:59:59 07a2861e-dfff-40ea-975e-7d9d1a234368 2
1874 09/08/2023 15:28:23 20221990 ICES_SE_13080_220301_220331.h5 SE Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) 13080 01/03/2022 01:00:04 01/04/2022 01:59:47 d7fe5ccc-16aa-4bee-ba59-87f1b99b4e8d v1.0 Emilia Lalander
1821 09/08/2023 14:59:46 20221990 ICES_SE_13079_220301_220331.h5 SE Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) 13079 01/03/2022 01:00:12 01/04/2022 01:49:26 87b9a71a-0636-41d7-81a0-a307849e6384 v1.0 Emilia Lalander
1616 12/01/2023 14:44:55 20221990 ICES_SE_13078_220301_220314.h5 SE Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) 13078 01/03/2022 01:00:12 15/03/2022 00:07:38 1593eeb7-e0fe-4e50-a5e5-a85d5e2b40ac v1.0 Emilia Lalander
2206 02/08/2024 09:59:25 BOR13_2022-03.h5 NL WaterProof Marine Consultancy & Services B.V. (Waterproof) 14049 01/03/2022 01:00:29 01/04/2022 01:56:36 8549c384-a0f8-4bfc-bcce-98659e243c34 2
2183 02/08/2024 09:36:44 BOR07_2022-03.h5 NL WaterProof Marine Consultancy & Services B.V. (Waterproof) 14048 01/03/2022 01:01:37 01/04/2022 01:59:59 46f526cd-acac-43ef-b2af-528474b985d4 2
1895 09/08/2023 15:42:25 20221990 ICES_SE_13077_220301_220331.h5 SE Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) 13077 01/03/2022 01:13:09 01/04/2022 01:44:35 4ad5cd49-7579-46db-8722-583079bc5aa1 v1.0 Emilia Lalander
1929 13/08/2023 16:34:14 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_6_Start20220302122003_Month3.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13702 02/03/2022 12:20:20 17/03/2022 23:00:00 85735784-0295-4576-a0f4-c1c1f9c4e028 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1723 14/07/2023 13:41:29 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_1_Start20220302183003_Month3.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13697 02/03/2022 18:30:20 17/03/2022 21:10:00 724d5eed-e61f-4140-a668-b864ab6d0a9e v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1952 22/08/2023 11:28:48 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_5_Start20220303165000_Month3.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13701 03/03/2022 16:50:20 18/03/2022 10:40:20 7bfd5bff-59d8-4128-a8f4-e846b10a772b v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1746 09/08/2023 08:51:58 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_2_Start20220306190003_Month3.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13703 06/03/2022 19:00:20 22/03/2022 05:50:00 330b150c-f02a-4918-8515-fd4dcc16a593 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
2160 02/08/2024 09:26:03 BOR03_2022-03.h5 NL WaterProof Marine Consultancy & Services B.V. (Waterproof) 14047 09/03/2022 01:00:00 01/04/2022 01:59:59 9e980527-9b89-43ed-8a45-681a66850069 2
1718 13/04/2023 14:29:54 20230177 ICES_HELCOM_13063_B20_027_20220309_20221020_03.h5 EE Tallinn University of Technology (TUT) 13063 09/03/2022 14:00:18 20/10/2022 10:29:38 895102e0-4a64-406b-b8fa-c6c83f15f1cc 3.0 Mirko Mustonen
1908 11/08/2023 15:15:53 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_4_Start20220312211005_Month3.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13700 12/03/2022 21:10:20 28/03/2022 00:10:00 8dbc6868-5620-44ab-ad17-c30d71b9054e v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1825 09/08/2023 15:00:29 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20220313034005_Month3.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 13/03/2022 03:40:20 28/03/2022 06:40:00 37d235aa-7f2f-4c59-84fc-0ffe7467cda8 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1799 09/08/2023 14:28:29 20221990 ICES_SE_13076_220315_220331.h5 SE Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) 13076 15/03/2022 15:55:31 01/04/2022 01:59:48 67644231-bf64-4dcb-ae18-031e78ad5ec9 v1.3 Emilia Lalander
1771 09/08/2023 10:19:34 20221990 ICES_SE_13081_220315_220331.h5 SE Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) 13081 15/03/2022 16:00:12 01/04/2022 01:43:59 4115da57-86e6-4a1f-b98e-0b13eda349b5 v1.0 Emilia Lalander
1930 13/08/2023 16:34:46 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_6_Start20220317230005_Month3.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13702 17/03/2022 23:00:20 31/03/2022 23:59:40 b6f77e93-0c35-44c8-9aba-c4cee1112a93 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1953 22/08/2023 11:41:23 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_5_Start20220318104014_Month3.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13701 18/03/2022 10:40:40 31/03/2022 23:59:40 14c6e005-f195-4874-8ea5-5b2b5ed633fc v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1747 09/08/2023 08:52:20 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_2_Start20220322055005_Month3.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13703 22/03/2022 05:50:20 31/03/2022 23:59:40 cf71111c-f14c-4cef-811b-3b209599b27a v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1826 09/08/2023 15:00:44 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20220328064005_Month3.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 28/03/2022 06:40:20 31/03/2022 23:59:40 175829b1-9418-46c6-a256-49c296f41c9f v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1954 22/08/2023 11:53:53 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_5_Start20220318104014_Month4.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13701 01/04/2022 00:00:00 01/04/2022 19:30:20 d6bf69ea-1b24-410f-b4ec-a0ec02ac5146 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1931 13/08/2023 16:35:02 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_6_Start20220317230005_Month4.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13702 01/04/2022 00:00:20 02/04/2022 10:00:00 5bd29eac-e542-455e-bfb8-3d1291e65c36 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1827 09/08/2023 15:00:59 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20220328064005_Month4.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 01/04/2022 00:00:20 12/04/2022 10:20:00 7e3a481e-3e0f-4ab1-aff5-585cb67eb6ec v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1748 09/08/2023 08:52:47 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_2_Start20220322055005_Month4.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13703 01/04/2022 00:00:20 06/04/2022 17:00:00 cef98424-87c9-4138-9dd1-c272a36afffb v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1724 14/07/2023 13:43:53 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_1_Start20220317211005_Month4.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13697 01/04/2022 00:00:20 02/04/2022 00:10:00 6d68434f-bd2b-40c6-a268-c07290e27443 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
2161 02/08/2024 09:26:45 BOR03_2022-04.h5 NL WaterProof Marine Consultancy & Services B.V. (Waterproof) 14047 01/04/2022 02:00:00 01/05/2022 01:59:59 ae5ff7f7-6715-43f0-a420-55a8bb9e970a 2
2184 02/08/2024 09:37:26 BOR07_2022-04.h5 NL WaterProof Marine Consultancy & Services B.V. (Waterproof) 14048 01/04/2022 02:00:00 25/04/2022 16:41:19 56332bb0-6243-4f03-8ea6-e1389ca2c1fd 2
2140 02/08/2024 08:34:47 BOR02_2022-04.h5 NL WaterProof Marine Consultancy & Services B.V. (Waterproof) 14046 01/04/2022 02:00:00 01/05/2022 01:59:59 95ada796-abb6-4f7e-8d02-8062255eb35c 2
1875 09/08/2023 15:28:55 20221990 ICES_SE_13080_220401_220428.h5 SE Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) 13080 01/04/2022 02:00:07 28/04/2022 10:37:33 1e9ac9f3-6541-4b35-bab0-8b88b3c65051 v1.0 Emilia Lalander
1800 09/08/2023 14:28:37 20221990 ICES_SE_13076_220401_220430.h5 SE Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) 13076 01/04/2022 02:00:08 01/05/2022 01:28:47 54e4991d-f694-495a-b3b5-157fb16eeb69 v1.1 Emilia Lalander
1770 09/08/2023 10:19:29 20221990 ICES_SE_13081_220401_220430.h5 SE Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) 13081 01/04/2022 02:00:20 01/05/2022 01:44:12 3fd6b25b-e7c7-4c66-8836-1db5650b5ae8 v1.0 Emilia Lalander
2207 02/08/2024 10:00:01 BOR13_2022-04.h5 NL WaterProof Marine Consultancy & Services B.V. (Waterproof) 14049 01/04/2022 02:06:43 01/05/2022 01:56:36 bfc4d7f4-8d31-4a7c-97a5-217c02ca5537 2
1896 09/08/2023 15:42:33 20221990 ICES_SE_13077_220401_220410.h5 SE Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) 13077 01/04/2022 02:15:55 11/04/2022 01:45:48 ac881919-85a1-4018-8e1f-057f1f95be7c v1.0 Emilia Lalander
1822 09/08/2023 14:59:55 20221990 ICES_SE_13079_220401_220428.h5 SE Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) 13079 01/04/2022 02:20:46 28/04/2022 12:49:28 e6ce334e-330c-4d04-bfba-6dd8f1dc2067 v1.2 Emilia Lalander
1955 22/08/2023 11:55:51 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_5_Start20220401193028_Month4.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13701 01/04/2022 19:30:40 20/04/2022 11:01:00 edf0a278-e1e9-4910-a05d-11c0b5677240 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1725 07/08/2023 14:24:26 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_1_Start20220402001005_Month4.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13697 02/04/2022 00:10:20 17/04/2022 03:10:00 78ebb7ea-5a75-4434-a772-f4056052925e v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1932 13/08/2023 16:35:18 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_6_Start20220402100005_Month4.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13702 02/04/2022 10:00:20 17/04/2022 21:00:00 51c09ef7-2130-4e87-bb4a-858e92663ccf v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1909 11/08/2023 15:16:04 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_4_Start20220406084003_Month4.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13700 06/04/2022 08:40:20 21/04/2022 19:30:00 d0673e05-8b6e-49de-8667-0b07eb996336 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1749 09/08/2023 08:53:17 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_2_Start20220406170005_Month4.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13703 06/04/2022 17:00:20 21/04/2022 20:40:00 3011af3d-1ba0-4b7c-8684-6b70f99c3fd2 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1828 09/08/2023 15:01:14 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20220412124003_Month4.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 12/04/2022 12:40:20 27/04/2022 23:20:00 fa6559d1-0b02-48d5-baef-db0291ec4149 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1727 09/08/2023 08:26:45 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_1_Start20220417031005_Month4.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13697 17/04/2022 03:10:20 25/04/2022 00:20:00 463c3e1e-27fe-4f41-ab57-fa500877c832 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1933 13/08/2023 16:35:31 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_6_Start20220417210005_Month4.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13702 17/04/2022 21:00:20 23/04/2022 01:30:00 b55968a3-acc0-40f8-ab31-f6d141c463e6 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1956 22/08/2023 11:56:53 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_5_Start20220420122046_Month4.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13701 20/04/2022 12:21:00 30/04/2022 23:59:40 ad44569e-5b4d-4ea7-8d8d-953b5d0c7dd6 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1714 01/03/2023 11:08:08 20230177 ICES_HELCOM_13097_L02_007_20220421_20220929.h5 EE Tallinn University of Technology (TUT) 13097 21/04/2022 09:00:24 29/09/2022 08:29:45 ef47e808-7ef1-4fcd-8a10-da1d34c6e2ad 1.0 Mirko Mustonen
1910 11/08/2023 15:16:15 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_4_Start20220421193005_Month4.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13700 21/04/2022 19:30:20 30/04/2022 23:59:40 19be905b-f9c3-4a4b-b240-fc8f2b536be9 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1750 09/08/2023 08:53:38 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_2_Start20220421204005_Month4.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13703 21/04/2022 20:40:20 28/04/2022 10:30:00 26db5123-8910-446a-94a7-4c2a8288c562 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1829 09/08/2023 15:01:32 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20220427232004_Month4.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 27/04/2022 23:20:20 30/04/2022 23:59:40 31708809-6e41-4ef7-967d-be5f090a4a20 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1751 09/08/2023 08:54:13 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_2_Start20220428114000_Month4.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13703 28/04/2022 11:40:20 30/04/2022 23:59:40 2faf5ee3-ec2c-4836-955a-d82c21aaf693 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
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