Continuous underwater noise

Continuous Underwaternoise Registry > List of submissions

In this page you can see all your submissions to the database:

ID Ins. Date Time AccessionID Filename Country Code Institution Station Code Start Date End Date DataUUID DatasetVersion Contact
1682 07/02/2023 16:21:43 20230071 DOW_2019_10.h5 GB-ENG Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, Lowestoft Laboratory (CEFAS) 13562 01/10/2019 00:00:00 31/10/2019 23:44:00 bdd25e0f-5d02-424c-830b-12d327343d50 1
1673 06/02/2023 09:48:25 20230051 WST_2019_10.h5 BE Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS (IRScNB/KBIN)) 13559 01/10/2019 00:00:01 02/10/2019 05:30:00 603e45f5-a7cb-46cd-8e03-53402e53948e 1
220 11/12/2020 10:49:09 20204472 ICES_HELCOM_DKMst035_20190809_Month10.h5 DK Aarhus University, Department of Bioscience (BIOS) 12863 01/10/2019 00:00:01 31/10/2019 23:30:00 ecb9c002-006a-4de1-ae1d-b828420c0f1c v1.0 Jakob Tougaard
1604 09/01/2023 16:41:12 20230006 TEX_2019_10.h5 NL Rijkswaterstaat Water, Traffic and Environment 13560 01/10/2019 00:00:03 11/10/2019 15:34:57 ce06f302-af92-4b24-a6eb-de1a056d0a57 1
1711 22/02/2023 16:56:20 20230127 NTR_2019_10.h5 NO Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) 13561 01/10/2019 00:00:11 31/10/2019 23:42:31 96f5f99b-2935-48bb-89e3-03a61d513b86 1
1590 09/01/2023 13:42:36 20212737 FN1_2019_10.h5 DE Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) 2398 01/10/2019 00:00:19 10/10/2019 23:59:49 d2a52899-a696-4478-84d4-2e9fc561a582 1
1564 06/01/2023 15:24:07 20212737 ES1_2019_10.h5 DE Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) 13558 01/10/2019 00:00:20 31/10/2019 23:59:45 540721db-6870-4bd3-bbef-882ebdf15221 1
1411 23/08/2021 12:40:40 20212735 FEB_20191001_20191031.h5 DE Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) 2174 01/10/2019 00:00:20 31/10/2019 23:14:40 4d3ac50d-ca84-4be8-b92b-b3a7ed80b80d 1
1362 12/08/2021 11:11:52 20212593 ARK_20191001_20191031.h5 DE Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) 2654 01/10/2019 00:00:20 31/10/2019 23:14:40 9f8767da-0cdf-4962-9253-1633cd3126ef 1
207 11/12/2020 10:08:32 20204459 ICES_HELCOM_DKMst104_20190919_Month10.h5 DK Aarhus University, Department of Bioscience (BIOS) 12868 01/10/2019 00:04:01 31/10/2019 23:34:00 1c7fd04b-43d8-417e-8001-387334b2ef4d v1.0 Jakob Tougaard
2258 30/08/2024 09:58:16 HEL_2019_10.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13993 01/10/2019 00:09:59 31/10/2019 23:49:58 33b050c7-f96c-4672-a0e2-e3bbd4df2d88 1
1556 06/01/2023 13:52:26 20212737 FN3_2019_10.h5 DE Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) 13557 01/10/2019 09:00:19 31/10/2019 23:59:54 c5e6279c-8ff8-4cbf-924f-4160262865e9 1
2249 30/08/2024 09:25:47 CNS_2019_10.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13995 30/10/2019 00:00:00 31/10/2019 23:19:58 c0dc7251-3dd0-4543-a67b-9471252bec8e 1
166 04/12/2020 14:09:21 20204412 ICES_HELCOM_DKMst201_20191031_Month10.h5 DK Aarhus University, Department of Bioscience (BIOS) 12870 31/10/2019 20:00:03 31/10/2019 23:59:59 822bf61c-1880-4f9e-8802-326e96dcc979 v1.0 Jakob Tougaard
168 04/12/2020 14:09:42 20204414 ICES_HELCOM_DKMst201_20191031_Month11.h5 DK Aarhus University, Department of Bioscience (BIOS) 12870 01/11/2019 00:00:00 30/11/2019 23:59:59 3d5b72ee-8f19-43d1-8fda-73b59b8e3aad v1.0 Jakob Tougaard
1684 07/02/2023 16:45:19 20230071 DOW_2019_11_pt1.h5 GB-ENG Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, Lowestoft Laboratory (CEFAS) 13562 01/11/2019 00:00:00 06/11/2019 12:43:00 de207b60-0add-4317-ba4b-273e063278a0 1
2250 30/08/2024 09:31:02 CNS_2019_11.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13995 01/11/2019 00:00:00 30/11/2019 23:19:58 b938a6e4-acae-46c9-a018-1e0124592f10 1
219 11/12/2020 10:49:01 20204471 ICES_HELCOM_DKMst035_20190809_Month11.h5 DK Aarhus University, Department of Bioscience (BIOS) 12863 01/11/2019 00:00:01 21/11/2019 10:33:34 d48d43e8-7979-4e7b-937f-b7589619b7ee v1.0 Jakob Tougaard
1565 06/01/2023 15:30:13 20212737 ES1_2019_11.h5 DE Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) 13558 01/11/2019 00:00:05 30/11/2019 23:59:58 c09ef6a6-57ca-48e1-888e-8ac781cb4e3f 1
1712 28/02/2023 10:56:57 20230127 NTR_2019_11.h5 NO Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) 13561 01/11/2019 00:00:11 30/11/2019 23:42:31 cabde026-b0e8-4b97-b1c5-9d5644104eae 1
1557 06/01/2023 13:53:34 20212737 FN3_2019_11.h5 DE Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) 13557 01/11/2019 00:00:19 06/11/2019 13:55:11 dd850783-b0b5-4f4f-a56b-1888433fc776 1
1591 09/01/2023 13:49:27 20212737 FN1_2019_11.h5 DE Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) 2398 01/11/2019 00:00:19 30/11/2019 23:59:44 6b1eae8c-eb70-4f68-9ab1-a9d6a3b6b446 1
1363 12/08/2021 11:20:12 20212594 ARK_20191101_20191130.h5 DE Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) 2654 01/11/2019 00:00:20 30/11/2019 23:14:40 0957758f-16f2-483d-8e6d-fdc1eaa0a6e3 1
1412 23/08/2021 12:43:42 20212736 FEB_20191101_20191130.h5 DE Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) 2174 01/11/2019 00:00:20 30/11/2019 23:14:40 72cc4831-6a60-4367-a5f8-1b90fcd005b8 1
205 11/12/2020 10:07:57 20204457 ICES_HELCOM_DKMst104_20190919_Month11.h5 DK Aarhus University, Department of Bioscience (BIOS) 12868 01/11/2019 00:04:01 30/11/2019 23:34:00 6f88faed-443f-4f7c-85c6-523b0b23eb4b v1.0 Jakob Tougaard
2259 30/08/2024 10:03:44 HEL_2019_11.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13993 01/11/2019 00:09:59 30/11/2019 23:49:58 5d5f6a6b-7e98-4e72-ab12-e5a84eaef5e4 1
2239 29/08/2024 16:59:32 ARB_2019_11.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13992 20/11/2019 00:20:00 30/11/2019 23:59:59 ee3648d6-7e52-4fc0-92ad-5c908ca58fe8 1
216 11/12/2020 10:48:25 20204468 ICES_HELCOM_DKMst035_20191121_Month11.h5 DK Aarhus University, Department of Bioscience (BIOS) 12863 21/11/2019 14:00:01 30/11/2019 23:30:00 b82ece7a-95bc-4e87-ae0d-ca8b18427137 v1.0 Jakob Tougaard
169 04/12/2020 14:09:57 20204415 ICES_HELCOM_DKMst201_20191031_Month12.h5 DK Aarhus University, Department of Bioscience (BIOS) 12870 01/12/2019 00:00:00 31/12/2019 23:59:59 60f5e5d1-0daa-49d4-b5fe-e33124d2571b v1.0 Jakob Tougaard
1685 08/02/2023 10:58:07 20230071 DOW_2019_12.h5 GB-ENG Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, Lowestoft Laboratory (CEFAS) 13562 01/12/2019 00:00:00 31/12/2019 23:44:00 2d9bb9e2-e690-4a28-9d9e-15fd9a809da2 1
2251 30/08/2024 09:34:24 CNS_2019_12.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13995 01/12/2019 00:00:00 31/12/2019 23:19:58 157697d5-78fd-445e-8600-a9299412353e 1
213 11/12/2020 10:47:57 20204465 ICES_HELCOM_DKMst035_20191121_Month12.h5 DK Aarhus University, Department of Bioscience (BIOS) 12863 01/12/2019 00:00:01 31/12/2019 23:30:00 9058590e-e699-40a5-9752-9ac6dfa675c2 v1.0 Jakob Tougaard
1713 28/02/2023 10:57:44 20230127 NTR_2019_12.h5 NO Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) 13561 01/12/2019 00:00:11 17/12/2019 23:42:31 c37a09be-2b66-4012-820d-ca2f578ac4fc 1
1566 06/01/2023 15:40:37 20212737 ES1_2019_12.h5 DE Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) 13558 01/12/2019 00:00:18 31/12/2019 23:59:59 b01a510e-28e7-415d-95f5-f1ad2ae8b4ea 1
1592 09/01/2023 13:54:28 20212737 FN1_2019_12.h5 DE Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) 2398 01/12/2019 00:00:19 31/12/2019 23:59:56 ac0b5620-9c74-4e3d-86d5-4108f9e7c8c3 1
1413 23/08/2021 12:46:58 20212737 FEB_20191201_20191231.h5 DE Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) 2174 01/12/2019 00:00:20 31/12/2019 23:14:40 0dfbf353-1532-4736-8ecb-35ca6e3a419b 1
1364 12/08/2021 11:28:22 20212595 ARK_20191201_20191226.h5 DE Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) 2654 01/12/2019 00:00:20 26/12/2019 18:14:40 f6e445ab-9801-46f5-934f-eb2e29139f97 1
206 11/12/2020 10:08:21 20204458 ICES_HELCOM_DKMst104_20190919_Month12.h5 DK Aarhus University, Department of Bioscience (BIOS) 12868 01/12/2019 00:04:01 10/12/2019 07:34:00 a3b0125c-5223-4875-b87c-284e255fcff7 v1.0 Jakob Tougaard
2260 30/08/2024 10:06:23 HEL_2019_12.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13993 01/12/2019 00:09:59 06/12/2019 23:49:58 724fd629-1e85-4ae9-a0bc-78b909753c1c 1
2240 29/08/2024 17:05:07 ARB_2019_12.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13992 01/12/2019 00:20:00 31/12/2019 23:59:59 b24aa356-c2a4-4d9a-b995-653d8e121614 1
181 10/12/2020 13:11:29 20204432 ICES_HELCOM_DKMst103_20191212_Month12.h5 DK Aarhus University, Department of Bioscience (BIOS) 12867 12/12/2019 23:00:02 31/12/2019 23:45:01 d11aadbf-4a51-4958-9db9-4ebf6ae1bc76 v1.0 Jakob Tougaard
1558 06/01/2023 14:32:45 20212737 FN3_2019_12.h5 DE Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) 13557 17/12/2019 12:30:19 19/12/2019 15:59:49 b0177fce-5c64-4528-8b13-ba1f31de195c 1
1686 08/02/2023 11:30:59 20230078 DOW_2020_01.h5 GB-ENG Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, Lowestoft Laboratory (CEFAS) 13562 01/01/2020 00:00:00 31/01/2020 23:44:00 bb023280-ed59-4fad-9145-e3388de71366 1
165 04/12/2020 14:09:11 20204411 ICES_HELCOM_DKMst201_20191031_Month1.h5 DK Aarhus University, Department of Bioscience (BIOS) 12870 01/01/2020 00:00:00 06/01/2020 11:45:22 4caf89d9-2c96-4bf9-bcab-66936aa7c10c v1.0 Jakob Tougaard
2252 30/08/2024 09:35:20 CNS_2020_01.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13995 01/01/2020 00:00:00 03/01/2020 05:19:58 862253b2-dd08-43b4-b192-a504cb0f2175 1
215 11/12/2020 10:48:16 20204467 ICES_HELCOM_DKMst035_20191121_Month1.h5 DK Aarhus University, Department of Bioscience (BIOS) 12863 01/01/2020 00:00:01 31/01/2020 23:30:00 bf6b0d48-68e1-43a0-8ddc-af48000d5471 v1.0 Jakob Tougaard
182 10/12/2020 13:11:39 20204433 ICES_HELCOM_DKMst103_20191212_Month1.h5 DK Aarhus University, Department of Bioscience (BIOS) 12867 01/01/2020 00:00:02 31/01/2020 23:45:01 9aaedd0d-c8da-44ec-a23e-5eb020838a20 v1.0 Jakob Tougaard
1395 23/08/2021 10:58:26 20212719 FEB_20200101_20200131.h5 DE Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) 2174 01/01/2020 00:00:20 31/01/2020 23:14:40 914c5e5e-4079-44de-a8a8-84ca2fba7bfb 1
2241 30/08/2024 08:30:15 ARB_2020_01.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13992 01/01/2020 00:20:00 31/01/2020 23:59:59 48ac4ca6-7d4f-466c-8f6c-58ae114483c0 1
1605 09/01/2023 16:57:25 20230007 TEX_2020_01.h5 NL Rijkswaterstaat Water, Traffic and Environment 13560 09/01/2020 00:00:03 31/01/2020 23:49:57 ad3289da-b30a-45fc-aca8-d20636047830 1
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