Continuous underwater noise

Continuous Underwaternoise Registry > List of submissions

In this page you can see all your submissions to the database:

ID Ins. Date Time AccessionID Filename Country Code Institution Station Code Start Date End Date DataUUID DatasetVersion Contact
2249 30/08/2024 09:25:47 CNS_2019_10.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13995 30/10/2019 00:00:00 31/10/2019 23:19:58 c0dc7251-3dd0-4543-a67b-9471252bec8e 1
2250 30/08/2024 09:31:02 CNS_2019_11.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13995 01/11/2019 00:00:00 30/11/2019 23:19:58 b938a6e4-acae-46c9-a018-1e0124592f10 1
2251 30/08/2024 09:34:24 CNS_2019_12.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13995 01/12/2019 00:00:00 31/12/2019 23:19:58 157697d5-78fd-445e-8600-a9299412353e 1
2252 30/08/2024 09:35:20 CNS_2020_01.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13995 01/01/2020 00:00:00 03/01/2020 05:19:58 862253b2-dd08-43b4-b192-a504cb0f2175 1
2253 30/08/2024 09:41:57 HEL_2019_04.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13993 03/04/2019 00:00:00 30/04/2019 23:39:59 31766ed2-1b7a-4135-a214-67a90f74a4c2 1
2254 30/08/2024 09:45:30 HEL_2019_05.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13993 01/05/2019 00:00:00 31/05/2019 23:39:59 5c242e8d-c6b6-4654-840c-cb36b50f2421 1
2255 30/08/2024 09:47:24 HEL_2019_06.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13993 01/06/2019 00:00:00 11/06/2019 21:09:58 98abbe16-05e1-490c-b847-bc5d4de71422 1
2256 30/08/2024 09:49:08 HEL_2019_08.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13993 26/08/2019 00:09:59 31/08/2019 23:49:58 c55dc42b-8476-4461-b564-782e7d90e78a 1
2257 30/08/2024 09:53:52 HEL_2019_09.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13993 01/09/2019 00:09:59 30/09/2019 23:49:58 2d7fa0fc-9dd9-4dab-b68a-76be68fad1fa 1
2258 30/08/2024 09:58:16 HEL_2019_10.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13993 01/10/2019 00:09:59 31/10/2019 23:49:58 33b050c7-f96c-4672-a0e2-e3bbd4df2d88 1
2259 30/08/2024 10:03:44 HEL_2019_11.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13993 01/11/2019 00:09:59 30/11/2019 23:49:58 5d5f6a6b-7e98-4e72-ab12-e5a84eaef5e4 1
2260 30/08/2024 10:06:23 HEL_2019_12.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13993 01/12/2019 00:09:59 06/12/2019 23:49:58 724fd629-1e85-4ae9-a0bc-78b909753c1c 1
2261 30/08/2024 10:07:23 HEL_2020_07.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13993 13/07/2020 00:20:00 31/07/2020 23:59:59 5a2f2c88-62e7-4935-8d5f-de263f63fcf9 1
2262 30/08/2024 10:14:19 HEL_2020_08.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13993 01/08/2020 00:20:00 31/08/2020 23:59:59 95f86b04-1eab-4192-87bb-4720bfda24d7 1
2263 30/08/2024 11:25:28 HEL_2020_09.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13993 01/09/2020 00:20:00 30/09/2020 23:59:59 d1d6725f-5f6e-4ca5-9b9a-34487f6fe821 1
2264 30/08/2024 11:30:26 HEL_2020_10.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13993 01/10/2020 00:20:00 31/10/2020 23:59:59 3850ea61-41da-4398-8ab2-e06e7ebc8ee7 1
2265 30/08/2024 11:33:56 HEL_2020_11.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13993 01/11/2020 00:20:00 02/11/2020 23:59:59 1f0a2ff4-a1c1-4c62-a4bb-283b6e3f81f4 1
2266 02/09/2024 08:53:28 MOR_2019_04.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13994 12/04/2019 00:00:06 30/04/2019 23:39:58 67496663-a933-4056-842d-c2305ff89ace 1
2267 02/09/2024 09:03:49 MOR_2019_05.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13994 01/05/2019 00:00:06 31/05/2019 23:39:58 aa41ee31-596c-4b66-8f45-bb9015fca232 1
2268 02/09/2024 09:20:56 MOR_2019_06.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13994 01/06/2019 00:00:06 30/06/2019 23:39:58 06ca0964-2902-405e-a8b6-4e31466d1fef 1
2269 02/09/2024 09:32:29 MOR_2019_07.h5 GB-SCT Marine Scotland Science 13994 01/07/2019 00:00:06 24/07/2019 23:39:58 dd5967a2-ef2e-4558-92e2-bf2f41a1d381 1
1823 09/08/2023 14:59:55 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20220226004005_Month2.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 26/02/2022 00:40:20 28/02/2022 23:59:40 4d9a6501-9ab9-4d12-b10e-b5d03a7eabba v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1824 09/08/2023 15:00:12 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20220226004005_Month3.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 01/03/2022 00:00:20 13/03/2022 03:40:00 9417d071-2036-4e4f-8a2b-ea4a17ad9156 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1825 09/08/2023 15:00:29 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20220313034005_Month3.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 13/03/2022 03:40:20 28/03/2022 06:40:00 37d235aa-7f2f-4c59-84fc-0ffe7467cda8 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1826 09/08/2023 15:00:44 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20220328064005_Month3.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 28/03/2022 06:40:20 31/03/2022 23:59:40 175829b1-9418-46c6-a256-49c296f41c9f v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1827 09/08/2023 15:00:59 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20220328064005_Month4.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 01/04/2022 00:00:20 12/04/2022 10:20:00 7e3a481e-3e0f-4ab1-aff5-585cb67eb6ec v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1828 09/08/2023 15:01:14 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20220412124003_Month4.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 12/04/2022 12:40:20 27/04/2022 23:20:00 fa6559d1-0b02-48d5-baef-db0291ec4149 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1829 09/08/2023 15:01:32 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20220427232004_Month4.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 27/04/2022 23:20:20 30/04/2022 23:59:40 31708809-6e41-4ef7-967d-be5f090a4a20 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1830 09/08/2023 15:01:50 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20220427232004_Month5.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 01/05/2022 00:00:20 13/05/2022 10:20:00 fc787a76-605d-4c23-82c8-607430c53748 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1831 09/08/2023 15:02:05 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20220513102004_Month5.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 13/05/2022 10:20:20 23/05/2022 18:00:00 cb88af08-f89e-4284-86fc-a40c0f61d6b8 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1832 09/08/2023 15:02:21 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20220606154003_Month6.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 06/06/2022 15:40:20 22/06/2022 02:20:00 73383935-dce1-4e52-a4dd-1518db8b3a20 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1833 09/08/2023 15:02:33 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20220622022005_Month6.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 22/06/2022 02:20:20 30/06/2022 23:59:40 40257795-5f16-48c4-8e61-5242b6a4a034 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1834 09/08/2023 15:02:46 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20220622022005_Month7.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 01/07/2022 00:00:20 07/07/2022 05:20:00 531af735-ea49-444c-b8a1-7c23c44f9291 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1835 09/08/2023 15:03:04 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20220707052005_Month7.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 07/07/2022 05:20:20 22/07/2022 08:20:00 005f55f6-a889-425b-9d14-5ff83cf642f0 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1836 09/08/2023 15:03:15 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20220722082005_Month7.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 22/07/2022 08:20:20 31/07/2022 23:59:40 05988078-c5b3-4bde-af3e-5b761bb7f6d4 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1837 09/08/2023 15:03:27 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20220722082005_Month8.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 01/08/2022 00:00:20 01/08/2022 06:39:40 a1e7ea93-60c5-49fb-b7d5-4d60f6491a4f v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1838 09/08/2023 15:03:42 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20220801081003_Month8.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 01/08/2022 08:10:20 16/08/2022 19:00:00 373df8f2-9026-4325-b2a6-8e8c1015928d v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1839 09/08/2023 15:03:54 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20220816190005_Month8.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 16/08/2022 19:00:20 31/08/2022 23:59:40 da4039fd-f0db-4fb8-9676-b871423cec20 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1840 09/08/2023 15:04:09 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20220816190005_Month9.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 01/09/2022 00:00:20 01/09/2022 06:10:00 1d6da477-486f-44ad-aaec-f78c6d2a1717 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1841 09/08/2023 15:04:23 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20220901061005_Month9.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 01/09/2022 06:10:20 16/09/2022 17:20:00 b5a81b7d-7977-440c-9b04-398e470b127f v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1842 09/08/2023 15:04:38 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20220916172005_Month9.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 16/09/2022 17:20:20 28/09/2022 15:50:00 8f183fc5-27f7-4a6a-8edf-b2b9acaaa19d v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1843 09/08/2023 15:04:51 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20221022122023_Month10.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 22/10/2022 12:20:20 31/10/2022 23:59:40 488e9789-8d7f-46a9-a01d-6f81225676fd v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1815 09/08/2023 14:58:47 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20220101000005_Month1.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 01/01/2022 00:00:20 02/01/2022 03:00:00 4fc67145-36ba-4cd6-8ebe-3b928342e570 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1723 14/07/2023 13:41:29 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_1_Start20220302183003_Month3.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13697 02/03/2022 18:30:20 17/03/2022 21:10:00 724d5eed-e61f-4140-a668-b864ab6d0a9e v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1724 14/07/2023 13:43:53 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_1_Start20220317211005_Month4.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13697 01/04/2022 00:00:20 02/04/2022 00:10:00 6d68434f-bd2b-40c6-a268-c07290e27443 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1725 07/08/2023 14:24:26 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_1_Start20220402001005_Month4.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13697 02/04/2022 00:10:20 17/04/2022 03:10:00 78ebb7ea-5a75-4434-a772-f4056052925e v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1726 09/08/2023 08:25:38 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_1_Start20220428160003_Month4.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13697 28/04/2022 16:00:20 30/04/2022 23:59:40 da4e2e73-c53b-421e-9afb-057fd8258655 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1727 09/08/2023 08:26:45 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_1_Start20220417031005_Month4.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13697 17/04/2022 03:10:20 25/04/2022 00:20:00 463c3e1e-27fe-4f41-ab57-fa500877c832 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1728 09/08/2023 08:27:34 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_1_Start20220428160003_Month5.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13697 01/05/2022 00:00:20 14/05/2022 02:40:00 02e7d7ad-86e4-423f-9b87-7cacd509e16d v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
1729 09/08/2023 08:30:18 20233811 ICES_PL_StationID_1_Start20220514024005_Month5.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13697 14/05/2022 02:40:20 29/05/2022 13:50:00 55228047-5bcf-4d4f-ab85-cc14b1be195f v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
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