Continuous underwater noise

Continuous Underwaternoise Registry > List of submissions

In this page you can see all your submissions to the database:

ID Ins. Date Time AccessionID Filename Country Code Institution Station Code Start Date End Date DataUUID DatasetVersion Contact
2132 18/07/2024 12:59:20 ICES_PL_StationID_6_Start20231118154003_Month12.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13702 01/12/2023 00:00:20 04/12/2023 02:10:00 e38ea580-cade-49dd-ac4f-398bbee01d3e v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
2227 19/08/2024 15:22:46 ARK_2023_12.h5 DE Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) 2654 01/12/2023 00:00:20 31/12/2023 23:44:40 2b507dd0-f8a4-48e7-a127-4dd8bd4f1f5d 1
2023 12/07/2024 14:57:22 ICES_PL_StationID_1_Start20231202065003_Month12.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13697 02/12/2023 06:50:20 22/12/2023 10:50:00 77cddb41-27ed-4457-86b7-916ab59de2a2 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
2133 18/07/2024 13:13:20 ICES_PL_StationID_6_Start20231204021004_Month12.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13702 04/12/2023 02:10:20 19/12/2023 13:10:00 a85b9791-8179-42b6-982a-542590cead52 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
2044 16/07/2024 14:36:35 ICES_PL_StationID_2_Start20231205191000_Month12.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13703 05/12/2023 19:10:20 31/12/2023 23:59:40 38f1bc12-d48e-4ff7-a363-34ab74e5522e v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
2088 17/07/2024 15:01:51 ICES_PL_StationID_4_Start20231212105005_Month12.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13700 12/12/2023 10:50:20 27/12/2023 14:30:00 08d1dcae-c9a3-48c1-bb80-da7dced7048c v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
2111 18/07/2024 08:54:52 ICES_PL_StationID_5_Start20231214151959_Month12.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13701 14/12/2023 15:20:00 22/12/2023 23:20:00 9f822b51-507c-46e6-bfa8-15561ff2d42f v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
2066 17/07/2024 10:29:59 ICES_PL_StationID_3_Start20231219105005_Month12.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13699 19/12/2023 10:50:20 31/12/2023 23:59:40 41bb9b96-1ad4-4cf4-81aa-8ebdefc16e67 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
2134 18/07/2024 13:19:46 ICES_PL_StationID_6_Start20231219131004_Month12.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13702 19/12/2023 13:10:20 31/12/2023 23:59:40 ffa27990-e7bb-4875-bb5e-5b6a68c10aca v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
2024 12/07/2024 14:58:13 ICES_PL_StationID_1_Start20231222105004_Month12.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13697 22/12/2023 10:50:20 31/12/2023 23:59:40 b31a47e7-ee6e-4535-8c48-6cc5e7e245d3 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
2112 18/07/2024 08:55:17 ICES_PL_StationID_5_Start20231222232000_Month12.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13701 22/12/2023 23:20:20 31/12/2023 23:59:40 2347dd4d-81ee-4401-988e-3ee523aafe46 v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
2089 17/07/2024 15:02:56 ICES_PL_StationID_4_Start20231227143005_Month12.h5 PL Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (CIEP) 13700 27/12/2023 14:30:20 31/12/2023 23:59:40 3698496b-9b7a-4e39-b70f-f53c6100715c v1.0 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute; Department of Oceanography and Monitoring of the Baltic Sea
2226 19/08/2024 15:10:15 ARK_2024_01.h5 DE Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) 2654 01/01/2024 00:00:20 31/01/2024 23:44:40 e87a64db-67fe-4d99-9c51-9fe9de93c301 1
2225 19/08/2024 14:25:13 ARK_2024_02.h5 DE Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) 2654 01/02/2024 00:00:20 29/02/2024 23:44:40 81f01baf-ae38-4354-b8f0-2047f3ed08df 1
2224 19/08/2024 13:35:25 ARK_2024_03_v2.h5 DE Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) 2654 01/03/2024 00:00:20 29/03/2024 09:14:40 c1548e6f-4b2a-476a-89b9-f4ab5614ee84 2
2288 24/10/2024 15:23:30 ICES_SE_13076_240325_240922.h5 SE Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) 13076 25/03/2024 19:00:17 22/09/2024 15:44:17 2a936752-6046-417c-bda4-97b1f95b5b43 v1.0 Emilia Lalander
2286 24/10/2024 14:33:06 ICES_SE_13077_240513_241016.h5 SE Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) 13077 13/05/2024 14:00:18 16/10/2024 10:43:56 68565937-0682-4fa7-8124-d70641cc0636 v1.0 Emilia Lalander